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Tips to successfully sleep train your child

Tips to successfully sleep train your child Are you ready to sleep better tonight? Have you been hoping for weeks and weeks for your baby to start sleeping better and longer at night on her own? I absolutely understand how that feels. Some babies are naturally good sleepers, but sometimes, they need a little extra help to learn how to fall asleep. If you…

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Is your toddler not sleeping well?

https://lullabysleepconsultant.com/sleeptips/ Is your toddler not sleeping well, maybe waking up multiple times a night? Or are you co-sleeping and ready to transition her to her own room? There are many different sleep scenarios, but just because they worked for you for a while doesn’t mean they’re going to keep working! You may have to adapt as your child grows and your family’s needs change.…

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Tips to feed your baby at night

https://lullabysleepconsultant.com/sleeptips/ Tips to feed your baby at night Here are some tipsto feed your baby at night. Waking up multiple times throughout the night to feed your baby is totally normal, depending on the child’s age. But as you know, just because it’s normal doesn’t mean it’s easy! Some babies will happily go back to sleep after nursing or bottle feeding in the middle…

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Day and night confusion

Day and night confusion is a real thing! Have you heard your friends say their baby is sleeping a lot during the day and getting very little sleep (or waking up often) at night? They are most likely talking about day and night confusion. As parents, we will take any sleep we can get, which is why it seems wonderful if your baby is…

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Your baby wakes up at night, 5 reasons why!

Are you wondering why your baby wakes up at night? Let’s talk about 5 reasons why your baby wakes up at night. To be the best parents we can be for our children, we need to be well-rested—which is easier said than done if your baby is waking up at all hours of the night. This, of course, is common, and there are a…

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Awake time and baby sleep

Is your baby awake time is right for his/her age? Did you know that your baby may not need to sleep train? Looking at the awake time and baby sleep patterns may help your child sleep tremendously. First of all, Congratulations! Your baby is finally here, and you’re in for the most amazing ride of your life. To manage your baby’s sleep—and your own…

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Is your baby taking naps

Taking naps is extremely important for your baby! Like early rising, it takes time to alter napping habits. In general, naps are also more difficult for children to master. Is your baby taking naps at all or have a difficult time to snooze during the day? If babies don’t know how to fall asleep on their own for naps and to stay asleep for…

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Sleep Training Newborns

Sleep Training Newborns - What you need to know: The Essence of a Baby Sleep Consultant Experiencing the feelings of noble motherhood and fatherhood is quite an unimaginable episode in one’s life. The arrival of a newborn is, of course, a wonderful chapter in the entire family because a baby is a delicate human being who can add color and glamour to a home.…

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Sleep Training 6 months

Sleep training 6 months Parents look forward to that brand-new feeling of bringing a baby home; having that feeling of renewed hope, having such a precious being starting to begin a life with his/her new family and home. However, when wrapped up in this euphoric state, and for new parents especially, things can be overlooked like the sleeping patterns of a baby. It is…

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Sleep Training Naps

Sleep Training Naps Is it possible to sleep train your baby for naps? Many parents seek to regulate their baby's sleep, to establish a flexible schedule and to help them sleep for a longer period of time at night and for naps. Talking about naps…For most babies, naps are more difficult to master than sleeping at night, and take more time as well. The…

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